Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Kermit Cake
I made this cake for a family friend, his wife gave him a surprise birthday party, and he loves the muppets, who knew his favorite was Kermit!!!
Queenie Cake
This is a special recipe chocolate cake that was created for my dear friend, Paige, and I named it the "Queenie Cake" in honor of her. This cake will melt in your mouth, she has sat down and eaten an entire cake at one time.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Let's Go Racing..Monster Trucking Racing that is...
I made this for a little boy who turned "3". He LOVES GraveDigger so I made the mud and the dirt, although I did learn something from this cake, the only size it will be able to be made in is a 10" and 6".
Purple Zebra
I made this cake for a young lady who was graduating high school, I made her 16th birthday cake, and it was zebra stripe too! It was nice to make this cake since I have known this young lady since she was born! Congrats Aubrey!